• Color : beige-white
  • Waiting time : 5min
  • Open time : 10-15min
  • Walk on time : 24h
  • Curing time : After 24h
  • Coverage : 400g/m²


  • Strong adhesion
  • Odour free
  • High retention capacity


Associated floor coverings :

  • Linoleum in sheets and tiles
  • Cork linoleum
  • Cork on absorbent surfaces

Evenly applied to the substrate with a spatula with suitable TKB serration. Then slowly push or roll the linoleum web into the adhesive bed without air inclusion and rub/roll it in (50 kg articulated roller). Lay the other half of the room in the same way. After approx. 30 minutes, rub/roll the floor covering once again and check for cavities. Heat-seal the joints at an early stage after 24 hours. 

Discover our other Soft Floor Adhesives products
