• Waiting time : 10-15min
  • Open time : 60min
  • Walk on time : 24h
  • Curing time : after 24h
  • Coverage : 280-300g/m²


  • Long laying time
  • Particularly economical
  • Wet and dry adhesion


Associated floor coverings:

  • PVC coverings in sheets and tiles 
  • Rubber coverings up to 4 mm thickness with smooth 
  • Linoleum coverings 
  • Carpets with different backings 

Evenly applied to the substrate with a serrated trowel with suitable TKB serration (spatula A2 : 280g/m² and spatula B1 : 300g/m²). Depending on the floor covering, a short flash-off time may be necessary. Place the floor covering in the adhesive bed and rub in thoroughly.

Discover our other Soft Floor Adhesives products
