The disposable hygiene industry has been looking—with varied results—for a pad attachment adhesive that satisfies operational requirements, consumer performance expectations, and inspires consumer loyalty. When she’s not happy with her feminine hygiene products, you have an opportunity. Turn to Bostik. We can help you get back on track. 


Our pad attachment experts dissected the challenges faced by both manufacturers and users of pads for feminine hygiene and light urinary incontinence. We evaluated the ability of peel testing—a common surrogate for stay-in-place performance—to predict actual staying power. We examined tested adhesives currently used on sanitary napkins and compared them to consumer reviews. One thing became clear: Conventional wisdom wasn’t meeting consumer expectations.


Better hold on! 

In our whitepaper, “Next-Level Stay-in-Place Testing and Adhesive Technology,” we explore: 

  • What consumers—specifically women—look for in a disposable hygiene pad
  • Common challenges producers experience while trying to meet her needs
  • The (in)ability of peel testing to accurately reflect her experience
  • Stay-in-place test methods, including Bostik’s brand-new Staybility Test
  • The development of our industry advancing StayX™ Adhesive Technology 

It’s time to meet and exceed consumer expectations. Let us work with you to move your brand to higher levels of customer satisfaction.


For whatever moves you. 
Let’s do this together.

Learn About Advances in Pad Attachment in our Whitepaper

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Disposable Hygiene Adhesives

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Feminine Hygiene Adhesives

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